We offer


Available at Collins Ave

Biopsies are procedures that remove tissue from any part of the body for sampling. These tests are performed by numbing the area (like a dentist does) and using a special needle to remove a small amount of tissue from the area of concern. The tissue is examined by a pathologist and a diagnosis made.
If the tissue shows cancer cells, additional studies are needed, but can all be done on the original tissue sample so no other procedures are needed.

Large mole on a woman's face close-up. Face of an adult Caucasian woman without makeup

SERVICESLaboratory Diagnostics

Areolar connective tissue under the microscope view. Histological for human physiology.

BIOPSIESAppointment Preparation

Please call if you have any questions or are unable to keep your appointment.
Breast Biopsy Core, Breast Biopsies Nodes & Breast FNA
  • We recommend a two piece or a loose fitting garment.
  • If you are on Blood Thinners, you must stop these at least 3 days prior to your procedure.
  • Though you can drive yourself home, as with all procedures, having someone with you is advisable. 
Thyroid FNA & Nodes FNA
  • If you are on Blood Thinners, you must stop these at least 3 days prior to your procedure.
  • Though you can drive yourself home, as with all procedures having someone with you is advisable. 
Abdominal Mass Core Biopsy
  • If you are on Blood Thinners, you must stop these at least 3 days prior to your procedure.
  • Though you can drive yourself home, as with all procedures having someone with you is advisable.

Available at these locations

FTDC @ Collins Ave
Tel: +1 (242) 328-8157 / 8 | Fax: +1 (242) 328-8957

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